Why Your Student Should Join the Ryan Nece Foundation's Student Service Program

Published By Chelsea Martin on 10 Mar 2021

Does your student have a heart for giving? Do they desire to truly help their community? If so, they would not only benefit from joining The Power of Giving Student Service Program - the program would change their life. 

A part of the Ryan Nece Foundation , this program has been helping shape and mentor students to become servant leaders in their communities through an inspirational leadership curriculum and service projects.

The Power of Giving Student Service Program provides students more than community service hours, however. It develops their leadership skills, grows their professional network, and, ultimately, gives them a renewed sense of purpose, all of which will lay the foundation for the rest of their future.  

A few former members reflect on their experiences during their time in the program. Gemma Briggs recalls, “I was looking for a resume builder for college and to get service hours requirements filled, but I found so much more than that- a space for empowerment, leadership, and career development for service-minded students.”

Madison Barse, who now owns her own business, was also looking for a resume-booster and adds, “I always knew in my heart that I wanted to make the world a better place but didn’t quite understand how.”

Students of the program often say they learned valuable lessons and skills. Former member Ryan Romo says, “I learned how to become a better leader [and] public speaker… Most importantly, I learned how to put myself in other people's shoes and the gift I have to give back.”

Madison also recalls what she learned during the program as well: “Throughout this experience, I have learned lessons that no textbook or classroom setting could ever teach you. I have been able to see the world through a new lens and feel as though I am making a real difference within the community.”

Each year, the Ryan Nece Foundation selects a new group of Tampa Bay area high school sophomores to join their Student Service Program. Students are selected based on a genuine interest in community service and civic engagement, academic achievements, and more. 

Through their junior year, selected students will participate in monthly meetings, community service projects, fundraising, and an annual service trip. Then, as seniors, they will mentor the next group of students in the program and continue volunteering with the foundation throughout the year.

Former members of The Power of Giving Student Service Program were also asked what they would say to high school students who were considering this program:

“The program is a life-changing opportunity that will help guide you down a road of success. This program will introduce you to the Tampa community, leaders in giving, and create opportunities for you to become a leader through service.” - Ryan

“I would say that the Ryan Nece Foundation Student Service Program is much more than a group to do service projects with. It is a chance to grow, network, meet new people, and expand your horizons about what you can do to help others. If you are interested in learning about the power of giving in our modern world, or you'd like to pursue service in your own way, I would highly encourage applying to this fantastic opportunity.” - Gemma

“This program is more than a resume booster- it is an experience that will shape you for the rest of your life. If you want to make a real difference in the world or be equipped with resources to be successful, this is your calling. I was a confused high schooler with no idea what I wanted to do in my future. I left knowing that regardless of what I do, I will be incorporating the power of giving into it.” - Madison

If your sophomore is interested in joining The Power of Giving Student Service Program next school year, have them fill out the application by Sunday, April 9, 2021, by 5 p.m.

Find more opportunities in Tampa Bay like the Ryan Nece Foundation’s Student Service Program by registering on 813area, your free local guide to the Tampa Bay area.


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