Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange

Published By Jaime O'Brien on 25 Jan 2017

As Valentine’s Day struts its stuff again February 14, 2017, singles are pushed into awkward 3rd wheel date nights and overwhelming loneliness. Why do people take this Hallmark holiday so seriously? Can’t Valentine’s Day be fun for everyone, including the significant-other-less? That’s why you should play the Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange. The White Elephant Gift exchange is a fun, whacky game played during the Christmas season, which should be repackaged to brighten up the dark clouds following singles on Valentine’s Day. 

Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange

The Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange functions similarly to a regular White Elephant Gift Exchange except this game invites singles to mingle and to get to know each other through the utilization of this eccentric pastime. As host of a Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange, follow the same rules applied to a White Elephant gift exchange with these added rules:     

1)  Any single who wants to play must present a wrapped, gag gift deemed to the price amount agreed upon by the group. The average price for a White Elephant gift is roughly between $10-$15; however, if your primary gift theme is Valentine’s related then the price can be even less at $5-$10. I think the Valentine’s Day theme should permeate throughout the useless gifts selected because there sure are plenty of gag gifts to find this season. The more ludicrous the gift then the singles will feel more confident in getting acquainted with one another. For instance, most Valentine’s Day gifts on sale locally are ridiculous chocolates, candies, and stuffed animals so they shouldn’t be hard to find. The “You’re a Catch” chocolate fish candy will come in handy here. Hopefully, your singles adhere to the spending limit and don’t show up with a life-sized teddy. We want to have fun not break the bank.  

2)  Proceed with the White Elephant gift exchange game play rules; however, I’ve added more rules so the singles can get to know one another better. Starting at number one, each single introduces himself or herself to the group and names a couple of his or her interests. This will open up communication in the group as an ice-breaker. To “steal” a gift from another single, the single playing must either:
  • a) Name something he or she finds attractive about the other single. 
  • b) Share a personal fear or embarrassing story. 

Looking for places to shop?  Check out our Shopping pages!
We hope you enjoy your Valentine’s Day Singles’ Game: White Elephant Gift Exchange! Get to mingling and watch for our article Unique Valentines Gift Ideas coming next! Bookmark this article and refer back to it when shopping, looking for Valentine's  Day gift ideas and for some Valentine's Day Fun! 


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