Bass Pro Shops May Sue Valrico Store Over Logo Similarity

Published By Andrew Silverstein on 11 Jan 2013

The Simple Life Outfitters, a locally-owned Valrico store specializing in outdoor apparel, could go out of business due to a legal dispute with Bass Pro Shops over logo similarities between the two retailers, according to the Tampa Tribune.

A large chunk of business at Simple Life Outfitters come from its own brand of clothing displaying the logo currently in dispute with Bass Pro Shops, a nationwide outdoor supply retailer with tentative plans to open a 140,000-square-foot store in the neighboring city of Brandon.

According to the Tribune and an image which began circling around Facebook today [pictured right], Bass Pro Shops has filed legal documents asking Simple Life Outfitters owner, Kelly Morris, to stop using his store's similar logo immediately.  The Bass Pro Shops' logo depicts a bass jumping in the middle of an oval design while Simple Life Outfitters' logo depicts three fish - a snook, redfish and bass - jumping in the middle of a circle design.

Morris claims the Simple Life Outfitters logo has been trademarked, which involves a thorough process involving a federal search of similar logos throughout the nation.  Bass Pro Shops claims the Valrico store's logo could reflect negatively on their brand and confuse consumers.

If Morris decides to fight the challenge, the impending legal costs could force him to close his business.

Bass Pro Shops is currently seeking $8 million from Hillsborough County to build and improve roads surrounding their potential new store in Brandon, another controversy involving the store in and of itself.  Local business owners like Kelly Morris claim it's unfair to use their tax money to bring in a competitor that could hurt their businesses.

We'll keep you posted as more news arises regarding Bass Pro Shops in Brandon and this impeding legal dispute.


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