Armory Gardens

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Armory Gardens is an up and coming neighborhood that is close to Downtown and the bustling SOHO nightlife district.

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Places You Should Consider

3.8  4 Rating (11)
410 S. Howard Ave., Tampa FL, 33606
Come get your country on at South Howard Avenue's one and only Southern Sports Bar, where you'll find good friends, great service, and legendary wings....
4.6  5 Rating (4)
114 S Westland, Tampa FL, 33606
D-10 Society is a diverse group of individuals focused on making our community better through the hosting of fun and exciting charity events.
4.1  5 Rating (61)
405 South Howard Ave, Tampa FL, 33606
MacDinton’s is the area’s most popular Irish bar for happy hours, drink specials, live entertainment, soccer/sporting events, and amazing nights out. MacDinton’s...

Get to know Armory Gardens

Armory Gardens is a neighborhood near Downtown that is close to Amalie Arena, Curtis Hixon Park and the restaurants and bars that line South Howard Avenue.

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