813area.com Tiffany Hernandez

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Tiffany Reviews on Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park 1 year ago

Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park

1 Rating  

My son lost his phone in the foam pit. The little kid in charge of the pit told him to look for it because they never empty it out. When my son approached me and told me, one of the other kids in charge took my phone number down and said they would call me after hours when they find it. I go to the pit and start pulling out the foam and some lady came over and said I can't take the foam out and that they empty it quarterly (every 3 months) and when they find it they will call me. 3 months? Ok. So I move them to one side of the pit. I get my son to move the foam around and his friend started helping him and the manager came over and said we can't do that either and we can't have other kids helping us. The manager also tells me that they empty the pit out every month? So which is it? The pit never gets emptied? It's emptied quarterly? Or emptied monthly? I am furious at this point. The manager says I need to stop or he will call the cops on me. Now I am really pissed off. And on my way out one of the kids in charge of that pit area says "F*CK YOU." And I bet it's the 18 years old that flirts with all of the underage girls and doesn't actually pay attention to the safety of any of the

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