813area.com Grumpy Esoteric Heathen

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Grumpy Esoteric Reviews on Westfield Brandon Town Center 1 year ago

Westfield Brandon Town Center

1 Rating  

Allied Universaland Brandon Mall You should be ashamed of yourself Your supervisor of security Alex is a black mark on the security industry You kicked an autistic 3 and 4 year old out of an event after the grandmother of another child threatened to punch me in the face and beat my ass out in the parking lot but you let her stay for the event with no repercussions Then you had your other “supervisor” who looked like napoleon dynamite stalk my family through the mall after you tried to threaten to trespass me for no reason Deplorable disgusting behavior from your security director and his staff Also to the staff that put on the event your staff is sub par what grown adult rips a ballon out of a four year olds hands and then try’s to justify it 1st Picture is the Security director who kicked us out and threatened to have us trespassed and call sheriffs on me his name is Alex 2nd photo the red head guard Ryan is the one that stalked and followed us through the mall from one end clear to the other The video shows the insuring meltdown these two caused by doing what they did which will most likely carry over for the rest of the night if not into tomorrow

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