727area.com Chris Boyce

  • Gender: Male, Status: Married
  • Member Since : 2016-05-07

Hilton Head Island, SC, United States

on 1978

Rumson, NJ, United States

Atlanta, GA, United States

Georgia Southern University

Manufacturing and World Domination

Start on 1985 End on 1989

Greg connected to Chris 6 years ago
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Chris Reviews on San José Mexican Restaurant | Lutz 8 years ago

San José Mexican Restaurant | Lutz

5 Rating  

I used to work near this restaurant about 5 years ago. Now I stop by whenever I am heading up the veteran's expressway. It is clean and inexpensive as well as good. I reminds me of my favorite mex restaurant in Atlanta, El Toro.

Pros: Low Cost, Big Margeritas, Cheese Dip

Cons: Too far away from my house

Chris Reviews on Traditional Taekwondo Center 8 years ago

Traditional Taekwondo Center

5 Rating  

My two boys attended here for about two years. Carl was a great role model for them. They are both teen's now and are into other things but they both learned a lot and have fond memories of the time they spent there.

Pros: Carl, Great Parking, Publix Next Door, Vans pick up kids after school. Late pickup is no problem

Cons: Not interesting enough for older kids

Chris Reviews on Casa Cosenza Italian Restaurant 8 years ago

Casa Cosenza Italian Restaurant

5 Rating  

This Restaurant is brand new. Maybe three months old. If you have ever been to Italy, you will know this is the real thing. If not, you don't need a plane ticket to taste Italy. I just realized this is a little puffy. Its good, try it. I have only been to Italy two times but this place realy is authentic and not Americanized.

Pros: Good food, great atmosphere, nice staff, very clean

Cons: No one here

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