By: Erin Sujansky

Group-fitness classes are all the rage with offerings such as Yoga, Pilates and Spinning leading the revolution. But just off the beaten path, a select few gyms have changed the way we workout forever. With more popularity comes more variety! Enter: Zumba, Bosu and now Pole-fitness? That’s right! A handful of these sultry sites have been popping up all around the Bay, offering not only pole fitness but also twists on the classics, like Pole Pilates. Kiss & Tale Pole Fitness Studio is one of the pioneers to grace the Channelside District and quickly developed a cult following after their Grand Opening last April.

Pole Pilates may sound silly, a watered down version of the original that you would sign up for with friends hoping to get a good laugh, right? Not true! You will sweat. You will moan. And you may spend a good portion of class on your back, but the only thing sexy about this work out is the six-pack you will develop once your muscles have healed! That’s because Trina, the instructor, is a drill sergeant and she takes no prisoners! You will earn back every last penny you spend in muscle tone, flexibility and stamina and you will definitely use muscles you never knew you had!

Basic Pilates motions fused with pole, mostly for strength and balance, is how the concept came to be. Each class targets a specific muscle group such as core, arms and back while remaining easily adaptable to fit the needs of any participant, including beginners. The environment is both friendly and free of judgment. It is not uncommon to hear encouragement from the stranger one pole over and you may even spot someone you know! With so many possible moves and an open forum for feedback, the group fitness experience has become catered to the individual, creating a unique experience for everyone.

Overall, you will leave this class feeling both exhausted and empowered, with a sense of accomplishment even the most advanced Yogi would appreciate! Ladies (and brave gentlemen), if you are looking for a backbreaking, butt busting, body bending workout…give pole Pilates a twirl!

For more information such as class schedule, hours of operation and contact number, click here.