By: Erin Sujansky

If you would like to experience the West African born dance craze known as Kukuwa, you no longer need a passport. There is no sense in boarding a plane or packing a suitcase, simply shimmy down to the Lifestyles Family Fitness center in Bloomingdale, Florida. Once there, the wildly energetic Brooke will be waiting to welcome you to a multicultural experience. She fell in love with the style after being introduced to it at a convention in Los Angeles, California. Currently, she is the only certified Kukuwa instructor in Tampa Bay.

Kukuwa is named after its creator, Kukuwa Nuamah, who was born and raised in Ghana West Africa. Kukuwa began dancing as a toddler and hasn’t stopped since! She founded the Gye Nyame African Cultural Dance Company, choreographs for music artists in Hollywood and still travels the globe performing her unique style of group fitness at conventions. Kukuwa is most comparable to Zumba, although the movements are predominately African as opposed to Latin. The music is tribal and high tempo, which keeps your heart pounding and calories burning. If you are less coordinated than the average person, Brooke the instructor suggests first learning the footwork and adding the arms later.

During a single class, Brooke teaches several fast combinations using all of the muscle groups and concludes with a cool down of slow stretches. As with most group fitness classes, a towel and water bottle will definitely come in handy. The more you get into the moves and feel the beat, the more you will sweat. The African motions are not to be confused with trendy hip-hop routines. It looks more like something from National Geographic meaning you might worry that you aren't doing it correctly. The key when taking Kukuwa, Zumba or any other international dance class is to remember this: No one is watching you. We’ve all heard the cliche “dance like no one is watching”…well…here’s your chance! So shake your boombsey (African slang for the Badonkadonk, silly right?) get a little wild and release your inner beast! This class was made for the uninhibited, and perhaps the hyperactive, but anyone can have a blast while taking Kukuwa. Women of all ages, ethnicities and body shapes have already hitched onto the Kukuwa conga line with Brooke leading the way and so can you. Your body will thank you.

For more information on Kukuwa, click here!

For Lifestyles Family Fitness class schedule, click here!