Knowing what to eat before a strenuous workout is important, there is a connection between eating and exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic if you are getting up early to exercise you should set your clock so you can finish a healthy breakfast at least one hour before your workout. The energy you got from dinner the night before is no longer relevant and it is likely your blood sugar dropped overnight.

If you feel lightheaded during your morning workout most likely it is due to not eating properly before your workout. Plan to eat light, and drink a sports drink if you are working out an hour after breakfast. Options include lean proteins, bananas, whole grain cereals and yogurt. If you experience an upset tummy don’t give up, try different foods until you discover what works best for you. The bottom line is you need to fuel your body before any workout.
It is important to know these guidelines about eating and exercise:
- 3-4 hours before it is OK to have a large meal
- 2 -3 hours before it is OK to have a small meal
- 1 hour before exercising have only a small snack
You don’t want to feel drained during exercise but you need to keep your energy up, eating too little or too much will leave you feeling lethargic, it’s about balance. Amy at Title Boxing Club South Tampa and Title Boxing Club Brandon recommends eating lean proteins before a workout.
7 Lean Proteins to Max Out your Workout:
Beans and Lentils – Beans and lentils are full of energy and pack a punch of protein. With 9 grams of protein in a cup, they also contain energy-boosting iron! Even better, they contain a low amount of fat and calories and are high in fiber, a plus if you are watching your diet.
Idea! Toss some beans into a salad for lunch and you’ll be ready for a late-afternoon workout.
Skinless Chicken or Turkey – White meat is your leanest choice, packing 25 grams of lean protein with other nutrients like B-vitamins.
Idea! Roast a whole Chicken in a Bag* on Sunday (recipe below) and use the meat during the week!
Salmon –Full of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, salmon builds lean muscle and provides energy during your workout. recommends eating salmon twice weekly.
Idea! Broil your fish using herbs, garlic, spices and lemon juice for calorie-free flavor.
90% or leaner Ground Beef – 3 ounces delivers 22 grams of protein to your body
Idea! To keep your portion under control add beans or grated carrots to your beef.
Pork Loin – Today’s pork is 16% leaner and 27% lower in saturated fat compared to 20 years ago. Men’sFitness reports pork tenderloin is lower in total fat than a skinless chicken breast (2.98 g vs. 3.03 g). A 3-ounce serving contains 23 grams of protein and energy rich B-vitamins.
Idea! Marinate for 30 minutes to 24 hours to add flavor and moisture.
Greek Yogurt – Often used as a pre-workout snack in a smoothie, yogurt is full of Vitamin B, calcium, and protein. You want to be careful, however, if you get a tummy ache during your workout you might want to skip the dairy-rich smoothie for another lean protein before your workout and save the smoothie for after.
Idea! 34 High-Protein Smoothie Recipes from
Nuts and Seeds – Harvard University research found that nuts are one of the top foods linked to weight loss. High in protein and healthy fats, used in moderation nuts and nut butter are a great choice. One ounce of almonds gives you 6 grams of protein, nearly as much as one ounce of broiled ribeye steak according to WebMd’s the Benefits of Protein.
Idea! A tablespoon of peanut or almond butter on a piece of whole grain toast in the morning or toss some sunflower or pumpkin seeds in your bag for an afternoon pre-workout snack. A slice of whole wheat bread gives you 3 grams of protein, plus valuable fiber.
Protein is an important part of every cell in our bodies. Our bodies use it to build, repair, regulate, strengthen bone, muscle and more which is why we need large amounts of it, our bodies do not store protein. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, active men and women need two daily servings of protein for a total of six ounces.
Eating to fuel your body before class at Title Boxing Club helps burn calories, maintain energy during your workout, build lean muscle and speed up recovery post workout. We hope these tips help you and look forward to hearing what works best for you in comments below!
*Chicken In A Bag Recipe from The Gasparilla Cookbook and Mrs. W Crutcher Ross
2 ½ to 3-pound fryer
Brown Paper grocery bag (ask for one at the store)
Your favorite dry spices or spice mix
Wash chicken and pat dry. Sprinkle seasonings inside and out. Place chicken inside a paper bag and roll the end tightly closed. Place on a rack in a 400-degree oven with a pan below to catch any drippings. Be sure the bag is NOT touching any heating elements in the oven. Do not touch for 1 ½ hours. Carefully remove the chicken and discard the bag. You will be amazed at how juicy your chicken will be and clean up is a breeze! Best roasted chicken recipe ever!
Interested in trying a FREE class, your first shot is always Free at Title Boxing Club! Try a class, call Title One Boxing today to arrange a visit! Pay attention to what you eat, make healthy choices and meet the goals you set for yourself this year. You can Do IT! Check out our FITNESS PAGE to find a fitness center, boot camp, or dance studio near you.